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Telephone calls over the Internet is not a fad.
Besides saving money, there are a variety of ways that are not difficult or impossible with traditional telephony. So you can for example the phone numbers along with the take into the holidays and there in the Internet cafe or on the internet in the hotel in the usual German number to reach.Forward on (or with other criteria) to any destination are even more enjoyable. Also, several phones to ring simultaneously at any location call a number, and the mobile phone is not as impossible. The possibilities are limited only by the imagination ...
No commitment to a contract
No monthly service charges
No 'per call' service charges
No other hidden costs
Call charges per minute
No prepaid charges: simply credit your account and make your calls!
Full control over your spending on calls at all times: online access to your account records!
All rates apply worldwide, independent of your location.
Instant calls as soon as your account is in credit.
Mobile use for connections to national and international mobile phones, standard phones, public phone booths, etc.
Unlimited, cash-free communication
To register an account please click on>>
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Zoiper Classic IAX & SIP multilanguage and multiplatform (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) softphone is a VoIP soft client, meant to work with any IP-based communications systems and infrastructure.
Zoiper Classic BIZ provides secure high-quality voice calls and conference, fax sending and receiving functionality, and enhanced IP-calling features wrapped in a compact interface and small download size.
 Configuration instructions for Android and iOS |